14 November 2023

Zinc – The Essential Allrounder for Your Body

Zinc is vital for us humans, but why is that? Which foods contain zinc and what is the daily requirement? We'll tell you.


Zinc in Foods – Cover Your Daily Needs

Almost everyone knows zinc. Whether as an ointment to heal wounds or as a supplement to strengthen the immune system or skin care - zinc is a permanent fixture in many household pharmacies. And not without reason. We tell you why the mineral is so important for your body and why a zinc deficiency can be dangerous. You will also find out what the recommended daily intake of zinc is and which vegan, zinc-rich foods you can eat.

Our contents at a glance:

  • What is zinc?
  • Functions of zinc
  • What is the daily requirement?
  • Which foods are high in zinc?
  • Zinc deficiency vs. overdose - symptoms and causes
  • When should trace elements be supplemented?
  • Recipe ideas for zinc-containing dishes in everyday life

What is Zinc?

Like iron, copper and iodine, zinc is an essential trace element: This means that it is necessary in small amounts for normal growth, development and the maintenance of health. It is an important component of many enzymes and proteins in the body and plays a crucial role in various biological processes. Zinc deficiency can lead to health problems, including impaired immune function, delayed wound healing and problems related to growth and development. Therefore, getting enough zinc through your diet is crucial to maintaining your health.

Functions of Zinc

Although the body only needs small amounts of zinc, it is vital for the human organism and is present in almost every cell of our body.

  • Enzymatic functions
  • Immune system
  • Wound healing
  • Antioxidant effect
  • DNA synthesis

The list of biological processes and reactions in which zinc is involved is long: the trace element supports various metabolic processes, protects against free radicals, promotes cell growth (e.g. skin and hair), stimulates wound healing, hormone and sperm formation and helps to regulate blood sugar.

Another important keyword in connection with zinc is the immune system. We often hear that zinc not only strengthens our defences, but is also a real miracle weapon in the fight against colds - but is that true? Partly, partly. Studies have shown that zinc can have a favourable effect on the duration of a cold if you take the trace element within 24 hours of the first symptoms appearing. But why is that? The trace element has an antiviral effect, i.e. it inhibits the multiplication of rhinoviruses directly on the mucous membrane. However, zinc has no influence on the cold itself or its severity.

What is the daily requirement?

According to the DGE (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ernährung, German Nutrition Society), the daily zinc requirement is between 7 and 16 milligrams. This reference value is influenced by age and phytate intake and differs for women and men. Phytate is a dietary fibre and is used by plants to store phosphate, which they need for photosynthesis, among other things. You automatically absorb phytate by eating pulses, wholemeal products and oilseeds. The problem with this is that a high phytate intake can reduce zinc absorption by up to 45 per cent. Therefore, the more phytate you consume, the more zinc you need. This is an important factor to consider, especially with a vegan diet.

In the following table, we have listed the daily zinc requirement taking into account the factors mentioned (age, gender and phytate intake).

0-4 months1,5 mg zinc/day1,5 mg zinc/day
4-12 months2,5 mg zinc/day2,5 mg zinc/day
Children & adolescents
1-4 years3 mg zinc/day3 mg zinc/day
4-7 years4 mg zinc/day4 mg zinc/day
7-10 years6 mg zinc/day6 mg zinc/day
10-13 years9 mg zinc/day8 mg zinc/day
13-15 years12 mg zinc/day10 mg zinc/day
15-19 years14 mg zinc/day11 mg zinc/day
19 years and older11, 14, 16 mg zinc/day*7, 8, 10 mg zinc/day*
Pregnant Women
1st trimester7, 9, 11 mg zinc/day*
2nd & 3rd trimester9, 11, 13 mg zinc/day*
Breast-feeding women11, 13, 14 mg zinc/day*

*For low, medium and high phytate intake.

Please note: The body can neither produce zinc itself nor store it for long periods of time. To ensure that your body still functions properly and that there is no zinc deficiency, an optimal zinc supply must primarily be ensured through food or with the help of supplements.

Which foods are high in zinc?

These vegan foods contain a lot of zinc and are therefore among the best plant-based sources of zinc:

  • Cereals (e.g. wholemeal cereals, oatmeal, rice, maize, etc.)
  • Pulses (e.g. lentils, soya beans, chickpeas)
  • Superfoods such as:
    • Nuts (e.g. walnuts, Brazil nuts and cashews)
    • Seeds (especially poppy seeds or linseed)
    • Seeds (e.g. sunflower seeds, pine nuts or pumpkin seeds)
    • Dark chocolate

Wheat bran also has a particularly high zinc content. Our tip: Combine different foods containing zinc in one dish to cover your daily requirement more quickly.

Zinc Deficiency vs. Overdose - Symptoms and Causes

As zinc is involved in numerous processes in the body, you should always make sure that there is no deficiency. If you have too little zinc in your body, this can manifest itself in very different symptoms, e.g:

  • Weakened immune system
  • Poor wound healing
  • Brittle nails, thin hair or hair loss
  • Loss of appetite
  • Persistent tiredness in combination with reduced concentration and performance

However, as the recommended daily zinc requirement can easily be met through food, it is more likely that too much zinc will be ingested.

Nutrition-conscious people in particular tend to want to "do something good" for their bodies and reach for high-dose zinc supplements. However, taking too much zinc over a longer period of time can damage your health in the long term. An oversupply of zinc can manifest itself as follows:

  • Nausea, abdominal cramps and diarrhoea
  • Metallic aftertaste

Studies have also shown that high doses of zinc prevent the absorption of copper in the body. This can result in anaemia and neurological disorders. If you want to cover your zinc requirements naturally, you can do this with a healthy diet: Enrich your diet with a colourful variety of fruit, vegetables, pulses and plant-based protein sources and you'll be on the safe side.

When should trace elements be supplemented?

Is zinc in food not enough?

There are some groups of people who should pay particular attention to their zinc requirements - these include pregnant women, older people, vegetarians and vegans. In addition, there may be times in our lives when we need to boost our zinc intake, e.g. when we are exposed to high levels of everyday stress or training. Too much stress or intensive training sessions can lead to an irregular and unbalanced diet - and consequently to a nutrient deficiency. Those who suffer from acne should also make more use of foods with a high zinc content.

In any case, it is important to consult a doctor before taking zinc supplements over a longer period of time.

Our conclusion:

Zinc is only needed in small amounts in the body, but its importance for various biological reactions and processes is enormous. Nothing works without zinc. Because it cannot be produced by the body itself, it must be supplied through food. A healthy and balanced diet with a colourful variety of plant-based foods as a source of zinc is the key. Are you pregnant, very active in sports, suffering from bad skin or in a particularly stressful phase? Then you should consider supplementing the trace element in consultation with a doctor.

Recipe ideas for zinc-containing dishes in everyday life

Here are two quick and tasty recipe ideas with foods containing zinc:

1. Power-Breakfast


150 g Bananas (0,24 mg zinc)

25 g Hazelnuts (0,52 mg zinc)

60 g Oats (2,19 mg zinc)

15 g Chia-seeds (0,7 mg zinc)

Some oat milk

Some date syrup

2. Veggies with wild rice


6 TB Wild rice (3,86 mg zinc)

100 g Tofu (1,45 mg zinc)

200 g Broccoli (0,86 mg zinc)

150 g Red bell pepper (0,30 mg zinc)

200 g Button mushrooms (1,02 mg zinc)

Some salt and pepper

Further recommended intake to maximise the bioavailability of zinc: Zinc-containing foods are absorbed with the help of organic acids from apples, pears, oranges, strawberries, cherries, blueberries, tomatoes, peppers or sauerkraut.

Roasting or soaking also reduces phytates and promotes the absorption of zinc.

Because the trace element is contained in many plant-based foods, it is also possible to ensure a sufficient zinc intake with a purely vegan diet. Of course, you will also find plenty of zinc-containing ingredients in our healthy ready meals, such as oat flakes, chia seeds, wild rice, vegetables and more.

Our selection for you

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