18 December 2023

Sustainable living: Tips for conscious food choices and waste reduction

Discover practical tips for sustainable food choices, waste reduction and clever kitchen techniques such as fermentation and freezing in our article. Find out how small changes in everyday life can make a big contribution to an environmentally friendly future.


In today's world, sustainability is more than just a buzzword - it's a way of life. One of the most important ways to contribute to a more sustainable world is to make conscious food choices, reduce food waste and store food smartly. Here are some tips on how you can implement this in your everyday life:

Tips for eating more sustainably

1. Buy local and seasonal

Choose food that is grown in your region and is in season. Buying locally produced food not only reduces the carbon footprint of transport, but also supports local agriculture.

2. Plan your meals

Careful meal planning not only helps you to organise your shopping better, but also minimises food waste. Buy only what you need and use leftovers for creative dishes.

3. Clever freezing for sustainable enjoyment

The freezing method is not only an excellent way to keep food fresh for longer, but also a practical way to utilise surplus food. Cook larger quantities, portion and freeze meals to have a quick, sustainable and pre-prepared option to hand on busy days. This not only saves time, but also effectively reduces food waste and promotes more conscious food use.

4. Fermentation as a sustainable preservation method

Fermentation is not only a traditional method of food preservation, but also a great way to improve the flavour and nutrients of food. Sauerkraut, kimchi and pickled vegetables are delicious results of this technique.

Click here for step-by-step instructions:

Simple DIY Fermentation

5. Make good use of leftover food

Instead of throwing away leftovers, think about how you can use them in other ways. Vegetable peelings are ideal for making stock, for example, and leftover bread can be made into croutons or breadcrumbs.

Sustainable food choices and the reduction of food waste often only require small adjustments in everyday life. By making conscious choices when shopping, cooking, storing and preserving, together we can have a positive impact on the environment. Every small step counts on the way to a more sustainable future.



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